Ever noticed how having Easter smack dab in the middle of the term makes it feel like we're getting the short end of the stick having to go back to school after? Or is it just me? Lucky for us, though, we've only got one more week to go before we hit school holiday heaven (or, let's be real, maybe it feels more like hell, depending on how things are going right now).
We've got a few updates to share with you regarding our service delivery, what you can expect from us, the goings on of Term 1, and how the latest NDIS price guides are impacting our business. So, let's dive in.
Travel Charges
I wish Emma and I looked as breezy as our mate above, but as I'm sure most of you are aware, ye old time management tends to be tricky with two ADHD brains managing the diary.
We have some important updates to share with you regarding our services and pricing structure.
Please read the updates below carefully as this will effect how much you are charged week-to-week.
Firstly, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has issued a consultation paper this year to review the rates charged by allied health professionals. It's been quite some time since the rates were last adjusted (since 2019, to be precise), and with the rising costs of insurances, fuel, and other business essentials, maintaining operations on the current rates has become increasingly challenging. As a result, there may be changes to our service rates effective from June 30. Rest assured, any alterations will be reflected in your invoices accordingly, as per our service agreements which are designed to adapt to prevailing rates.
Additionally, over the past six months, we have undergone a transition from clinic-based services to a mobile model. During this transition period, we temporarily reduced travel fees to accommodate our clients. However, sustaining this practice in the long term is no longer feasible.
Starting from the end of Term 1 (commencing April 14, 2024), we will be adjusting our travel charges. Travel fees will now be based on the actual time it takes to reach your location, along with a "per kilometre" charge of $0.97, aligning with the guidelines provided by the NDIS. The distance calculations will be conducted using Google Maps to determine the most efficient routes.
Our approach to calculating travel costs involves grouping clients by location. Clients within the same area will share the overall travel time and associated costs. In the event of a cancellation, any allocated travel costs will be redistributed among the remaining clients scheduled for that day. The maximum travel you will be charged is 60mins. This could happen if all other clients cancel on that day (pretty unlikely but good to know).
Health Challenges
Sarah here! I didn't envision myself writing this, but the past 12months have been pretty dodgy from a health perspective for me. The clients that I see know I've had two surgeries this year (both fairly minor but knocked me out for a few weeks each), and that I have ongoing IBS issues that mean last minute cancellations are unfortunately not uncommon. I wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you to my clients who have tolerated, accepted, and trusted the process when it comes to me and my unruly body. It is so appreciated and I'm hoping the next 12 months will have more solutions than problems.
ADHD - More than just a mouthful to say
Less of challenge and more of a final godsend, I was diagnosed with ADHD last year, so was my sister, and very likely, my mum. I feel as though it's given me some more insight into the challenges our little ones have (because I've had a share of them too!) and opened the door for more professional development and clinician experience.
A group of other allied health professionals (our stunning Emma too) and myself completed professional development with Linda Baker (Speech Pathologist of the Year 2022) and owner of ADHD Done Differently. We know ADHD is a co-morbidity with a lot of developmental disorders like autism, intellectual disability, down syndrome, and many more. We also know that there is a pretty strong genetic link, so if your child has ADHD, have a look around, you might find it's closer to you then you first realised.
Beginning to understand that ADHD is a dopamine deficiency and the way executive dysfunction impacts not only school-age children, but our preschoolers and adults too has been a great way to reinvent and re-imagine therapy sessions to reflect hybrid approaches that target niche interests.
The point to my ramble is that Linda offers parent training, downloadable resources for going to school, information for teachers, Facebook support groups where you can turn to other parents who might also be tearing their hair out. All-in-all, Linda is my hero and I strongly recommend you check her out!
The Parent and Carer Group: Parent/Carer Group – ADHD Done Differently
Link to blog and podcast: Our Blog & Podcast – ADHD Done Differently
Movements in the School Holidays
Sarah will be off, galivanting in the world again, in Hong Kong from the 14th April, returning on the 22nd April. Flying over the connect with long term friend and colleague, Imogen Dean from Imagine Speech Pathology and author of children's book, Easy for You to Say, Sarah will be participating in a skill share of professional development and clinical supervision. As an Australian SP working in Hong Kong, Imogen has many skills working with interpreters, culturally and linguistically diverse populations, and has been learning about Gestalt Language Processing for the past few years. Sarah will be spending time in the clinic and completing mentoring with Imogen, sharing skills in feeding assessment and therapy, and early AAC implementation.
Emma will be taking some time off on the Thurs-Fri of each week to spend time with her family and dogs and take a well earned break from an admin heavy term (so. much. school. paperwork). We'll be ready to kick off Term 2 from the 29th April, with that morning being reserved for collaborative Professional Development with other allied health professionals.
Reach out if you have questions!
Much love,
Sarah, Emma and Mary xx